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Dry Eye Syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a multifactorial condition that refers to a breakdown in the quantity or quality of tears that moisten, cleanse, and protect the eyes. This is significant because, with each blink, tears protect the surface of the eye, washing away dust debris, and microorganisms. When this protective coating is not working correctly, the eyes may feel dry, gritty, sandy, sting, or burn. The eyes can also can be more sensitive to light or become red and irritated. In some cases, it can also cause vision to be blurry or distorted.

If you suspect that you have dry eye, please discuss your symptoms with your eye doctor. Proper care will not only increase your comfort, it will protect your eyes long term. Your eye care provider can perform a series of tests to determine if you have dry eyes.

Our New Hampshire Dry Eye center treats patients with mild, moderate, and severe dry eye. The best way to keep your eyes healthy in the future is to start taking care of them today. Now offering the newest dry eye treatments and procedures available on the market


We also offer specialty dry eye services such as Punctal Plugs, Prescription Eye Drops, Specialty Contacts, Meibomian Gland Expression, Blepharitis/eyelid procedures, and Amniotic Membranes!

See before and after pictures: HERE

Follow the links below to learn more

American Optometric Association (AOA) – Dry Eye

How to put in Eye Drops

Bruder Mask – Informational video


Please follow the specific instructions the doctor has provided for you as every single patient will have a treatment plan customized to their specific needs. If you have any questions about your individual prescribed treatment, do not hesitate to contact the office 603-226-0855